Our library of expert-authored Oracle courses offer data professionals the training they need to land their Oracle certification and more. Learn the latest Oracle has to offer with 12C and PL/SQL. Take a deep dive into Oracle applications, database, enterprise management training and more.

Get trained and certified to become an expert on the world’s most widely-used Oracle products. Build skills that increase your productivity, catapult your career, and boost your earning potential.

Why choose Oracle Guided Learning

1. Improved adoption

Oracle Guided Learning is the only digital adoption solution that’s fully integrated with Oracle Fusion Applications; helping you speed implementation and keep pace with every cloud update without missing a beat.

2. Effective change

Provide role-relevant knowledge at the exact moment of need to ensure quick and effective change. Use consistent in-app messaging and communication to drive new processes, workflows, and solutions at scale.

3. Greater efficiency

Empower employees by answering their questions before they’re asked while delivering relevant guidance in the flow of work. Improve employee productivity, reduce support costs, and better serve your customers.