Database and data management solutions power SAP Business Technology Platform, enabling data-driven decisions with solutions that manage, govern, and integrate your enterprise data to feed analytics and drive confident business decisions.

In this course you will learn –

  1. SAP HANA – Enable data-driven, real-time decisions and actions by handling transactions and analytics on a single data set with our in-memory database.
  2. SAP HANA CLOUD – Make faster decisions based on live data with a fully managed in-memory cloud database as a service (DBaaS).
  3. SAP IQ – Access data faster for in-the-moment decisions and handle petabyte-scale data volumes with our columnar analytics database software.
  4. SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise – Drive faster, more reliable online transaction processing (OLTP) for less – on premise or in the cloud – with our relational database server.
  5. SAP SQL Anywhere – Capture, manage, and synchronise data in real-world conditions – even without connectivity or IT support – with relational database management system solutions.