This preamble to the schedule of items is an integral part of the schedule and shall have as much force as though this is incorporated into the description of the items themselves. Contractor's rate for any items of work in the schedule of items shall, unless otherwise stated, be held to include the cost of all materials, including wast- ages, conveyance and delivery, unloading, storing, fabrication, hoisting, all labour for finishing to required shape and size, tools and plants, power, fuel, consumables, all taxes royalties, other revenue expenses, temporary facilities like roads, drains etc., 

providing temporary storage facilities for cement, steel and other materials and their subsequent dismantling, scaffolding and other temporary works, setting out, fitting and fixing in position, site drainage, dewatering, offering samples for approval, cost of all tests, rectification of all defects, replacement of defective materials and work, interruptions to work required to accommodate the work of other agencies working on the site, continuation of work beyond working hour, in the night and holidays also if situation warrants so, site clearance on completion, maintenance work during the period of maintenance, bye-work necessary to complete any particular item of work as per specification and direction of the engineer, overheads, profit and other incidental charges.

 2.2.1 The work shall include filling/back filling, levelling and compaction of the excavated earth. Payment shall be made for excavation only and no separate payment shall be made for filling/back filling except where earth is borrowed from elsewhere for site levelling works and will be paid separately.

 2.2.2 Costs of all tests necessary and/or directed for the compaction of the filling/back filling of site levelling works. 2.3 Excavation 2.3.1 Planking and strutting to retain the excavated sides and to protect the adjoining structures and services including removing the same.

 2.3.2 Dewatering of accumulated water from any source till completion of all work below ground level including provision of surface drains, catchment pits, etc., wherever necessary.

 2.3.3 Providing adequate protection for safety of labour, materials, adjoining property, services, structures and equipment and install barriers around the excavation area, foundation, trenches, pits and red lights during night time, engage night watchman for safety against risk or accident.

 2.3.4 Stacking the excavated materials within the specified leads. 2.3.5 Forming (or leaving) suitable steps on the sides or/and providing adequate

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