Blast furnace Operation

This is Copy No: 03 Retention: Master copy of this document shall be preserved by controlling authority for minimum period of five years from date of supersession. Cautionary Notice: This document is the property of Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela-769011. 

Reproduction of this document in any form or use for any purpose is strictly prohibited, except with written permission of Controlling Authority. 1.0 Purpose: This procedure provides guidelines for control of Non conforming product and implementation of Corrective and Preventive Actions in Blast Furnace.

2.0 Scope: This procedure is applicable for Hot Metal produced from BF-IV & V and corrective & Preventive as applicable for maintaining consistent product quality by BF (Opn). 3.0 Responsibility: Overall Responsibility : Head of Blast Furnace Implementation Responsibility : Head of BF (Operation) 

4.0 Description of Procedure: 4.1 Nonconforming Product: Hot Metal produced from BF is supplied to SMS-I & II for steel making. The chemical composition of the output should meet the specified requirements of Steel Melting Shops. Nonconforming products are those whose chemistry is out of agreed or specified range. Minimum one sample from each cast and furnace is collected & tested by RCL for its chemical composition and communicated to BF (Opn). When % of sulpher and silicon in hot metal is higher than the targeted value, hot metals from particular the cast is identified as nonconforming. Traceability can be established by Furnace number and Cast number. Sulpher and silicon percentage in hot metal is mutually agreed between Blast Furnace and Steel Melting Shops. Nonconformities of product and process are recorded which provides data for analysis and improvement activities. 

4.2 Nonconformity review and disposition. The causes of nonconformities are reviewed during daily meeting by Head of BF ( Opn.) The root cause is analysed jointly by BF(Opn) and RCL. There is no opportunity of rework once the hot metal comes out of the furnace. The composition of hot metal with off “S” or “Si” or in both % of sulpher and silicon, SMS-I & SMS-II are informed before dispatch. Depending on mixer position clearance is given for sending hot metal. Desulphurization facility for high sulpher loads is available in SMS-II. If customers do not agree, then it is sent for pig casting at PCM for alternate use. 5.0 Corrective Actions. Effort is made for continual improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of product & processes in Blast Furnace. Corrective action is used as a tool for improvement. Corrective action planning includes evaluation of significant problems related to product and process performance, nonconformance in product or service, equipment availability, safety and customer satisfaction. Sources of information for corrective actions are : - Customer complaints - Nonconformity report - Internal/External audit Reports - Outputs of Management Review, Data Analysis and ICS Score - Process measurement , Product analysis and self assessment. 5.1 Customer complaints: Complaint on receipt, is recorded, analysed and appropriate actions are planned to meet the requirements. It is communicated to Furnace I/c and Head of Operation and is discussed in Daily Review Meeting. Action taken are monitored for its effectiveness. 

5.2 Nonconformance other than Customer Complaint: Nonconformance in equipment availability is attended through Procedures for Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance. Product nonconformities are analysed by BF (O)& RCL jointly and corrective action(s) planned and implemented. Nonconformities raised during audits are complied in reasonable time and communicated to MR. Results of data analysis, ICS Score & points in Management Reviews are examined and corrective action is taken up. Process performance is measured against arising i.e.% of nonconforming output. Process parameters are monitored and controlled. Self audits by BF personnel is conducted time to time for performance assessment. Root cause analysis is conducted as required, to find out potential causes of nonconformance. Effectiveness of corrective action is measured by elimination of reoccurring problems. 

5.3 Preventive Action The preventive action is the counter measure to deal with potential weakness or deficiencies before occurrence of major problems. This is also based on data analysis used for taking corrective actions. Additional source of information are: - Learning from past experience - Historical data for trends - Process symptoms providing early warning of approaching out of control situation. Adequacy of corrective and preventive action is reviewed before implementation. Root cause analysis is repeated incase it is not giving desired result. Benefits accrued from implemented corrective and preventive actions are brought in review inputs of Management Meeting. 6.0 Applicable documents: a) Production control Register b) Minutes of daily Review Meeting c) Minutes of Management Reviews d) Records for Non conforming Product, Corrective & Preventive Actions. 

7.0 Abbreviations: BF : Blast Furnace PCM : Pig casting Machine RCL : Research & Control laboratory ICS : Internal Customers Satisfaction SMS-I & II : Steel Melting Shops –I & II Si : Silicon S : Sulpher 8.0 Amendment Details: • Procedure has been changed due to addition of BF-5, phasing out of BF-2 & 3 & addition of CDI in BF-4 Flow diagram for Nonconformance, Corrective & Preventive Actions in Blast Furnace

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